Section 5 Application made for Unit in Kells Business Park to house International Protection Applicants
Wednesday 5th March 2025, 11:31 am
By Darren Donoghue
It has been confirmed that a Section 5 application has been made for a unit in Kells Business Park in Co. Meath to house international protection applicants.
In February, Meath County Council ruled that the applicant behind a proposed accommodation centre for international protection applicants in Kells, Co Meath, will be required to apply for planning permission.
The local authority then decided that reconfiguring the industrial unit in Kells Business Park into residential accommodation is not an exempted development.
Therefore, full planning permission will have to be sought and granted before the accommodation centre could get the green light.
Kells Town councillor Sarah Reilly contacted Boyne News this morning confirming the resubmitted application.
Councilllor Reilly said the Following,
“Today, I received a communication that highlights that the owners of the building have resubmitted a Section 5 application. I have included a copy of the email below or your information.
“I am not in receipt of other information at this time. When a decision is made, I will bring it to your attention.”
Below, is the conformation by Meath County Council of the Section 5 application :
“An application for a declaration of exempted development under Section 5 of the Planning and Development Act 2000-2023 was received by Meath County Council on 28th February for Unit 7, Kells Business Park (Ref. No. KS525027). The proposal relates to temporary use by or on behalf of the Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth to accommodate or support displaced persons or persons seeking international protection.
“A decision is due on the application by 28th March”
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